God, in His triune nature, is a relational being. Jesus said “Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed.” Created in His image, we are relational beings as well.
One of the first things we learn about salvation is that we’ve been adopted into a family. I distinctly remember noticing how people who were only casually acquainted were addressing each other as Brother or Sister. I found it quite odd at first. Now I cherish it.
Marriages, parenting, being a child (even if you’ve been an adult for decades), siblings, extended families, blended families, friends, neighbors, coworkers, the local church body, the lost person God places directly in your path. All of these are relationships that we have, and have to learn how to make the most of them.
Below are articles, thoughts, musings and teachings on our relationships. Please share your thoughts with us, and share what you find with all the relationships you have.